From Tooth Pain to Dental Relief: A Comprehensive Treatment Journey with Mr. Johnson

By Dr. Zareena Moorkan

Photo for illustrative purpose only
During my 30 years of dental practice, I have seen many different cases. Five years ago, Mr. Johnson came to me with tooth pain. After examining him, I figured out what was causing his pain. Let me tell you about his treatment.

Mr. Johnson had tooth pain that made it hard for him to eat. He felt sharp and temporary pain when he brushed his teeth or ate and drank. This meant he might have sensitive teeth because the enamel on his teeth was worn out or the roots were exposed.

During the examination, I checked for other reasons that could be causing his tooth pain. I found out that he had cavities, which are holes in the teeth caused by decay. These cavities were likely making him uncomfortable.

I also noticed that Mr. Johnson had a cracked or chipped tooth, which can be painful, especially when biting down.

Furthermore, I saw signs of gum disease in Mr. Johnson’s mouth. His gums had receded, exposing the nerves of his teeth and causing him pain. I explained to him that brushing his teeth too hard, especially with a hard-bristled brush, can cause gum disease.

Another reason for Mr. Johnson’s tooth pain was teeth grinding. He had a habit of grinding or clenching his teeth, which had worn down the enamel and exposed the sensitive layer underneath, leading to pain and sensitivity.

I also talked to Mr. Johnson about how acidic foods can affect his teeth. Eating foods high in acid, like citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles, and tea, can erode the enamel and cause tooth pain.

Considering all these factors contributing to Mr. Johnson’s tooth soreness, I recommended a comprehensive treatment plan. I advised him to use special toothpaste for sensitive teeth and prescribed fluoride treatment to reduce his tooth pain. I also suggested fixing his cavities with fillings and repairing the cracked or chipped tooth. We discussed the importance of good oral hygiene, like using a soft-bristled toothbrush and avoiding teeth grinding.

Finally, I emphasized the need for Mr. Johnson to keep an eye on his gum disease and suggested regular dental check-ups to maintain his oral health. By addressing these causes and following the treatments I recommended, we aimed to relieve Mr. Johnson’s tooth pain and improve his overall dental health.
(Dr. Zareena Moorkan  has been working in a private clinic in Sharjah for the past 28 years)

Revolutionary Dental Treatment Offers Lasting Relief for Severe Tooth Sensitivity and Gum Problems

Cutting-edge approach brings hope to patients suffering from oral discomfort and gum disease

By Dr Alok Mehta, BDS,MDS

Illustration purpose only

In a groundbreaking development that could transform the lives of millions, a pioneering dental treatment is providing long-lasting relief for individuals battling severe tooth sensitivity and gum problems.  The breakthrough treatment was put to the test when Mrs. Zohra, an individual plagued by excruciating sensitivity in her lower front tooth, sought out my expertise. Despite trying countless temporary solutions, her sensitivity worsened over time, significantly impacting her daily activities. The situation took a toll on her quality of life, compounded by bleeding gums, loose and swollen gum tissue, and an unwelcome case of bad breath.

I performed a comprehensive examination and unearthed the root cause of Mrs. Zohra’s distress: mild to moderate periodontitis, a common gum disease that affects the support structures of teeth and oral tissues.

Embracing a strategic and multi-step approach

Embracing a strategic, multi-step approach, I devised a personalized treatment plan tailored to address each aspect of the problem. The first phase involved halting the progression of periodontitis. To achieve this, a cutting-edge flap surgery was performed, accompanied by deep cleaning procedures (known as scaling and root planning) at the site of concern, specifically the lower left first molar. In a remarkable feat, guided bone regeneration (bone grafting) was implemented to regenerate the lost bone, restoring stability to the affected area.

Once Mrs. Zohra’s oral health had stabilized and the gum disease was under control, I turned my attention to resolving the persistent sensitivity in her lower anterior region. A breakthrough soft tissue grafting technique was chosen, which effectively covered the defect and promoted healing. The patient’s body responded favorably to the graft, resulting in a substantial reduction in sensitivity issues and a renewed sense of comfort.

Following the successful procedure, I provided comprehensive post-operative care instructions, empowering Mrs. Zohra to maintain her improved oral health diligently. With her renewed confidence and freedom from dental restraints, she now enjoys a fulfilling life unencumbered by the discomfort that once plagued her.

This remarkable dental breakthrough not only offers hope to patients suffering from severe tooth sensitivity and gum problems but also showcases the potential for advanced treatments to revolutionize oral healthcare.

Dr Alok Mehta, BDS,MDS is working in Sharjah as an Implant Specialist.