Signs You Need to See Your Dentist

Signs You Need to See Your Dentist

Your dental health can often fall to the wayside, but big problems can arise if you ignore your mouth.

Here are five easily recognizable signs you need to see your dentist:

Experienced Lady Dentist in Sharjah

The most obvious point: You have pain. When you experience a toothache, it can seem like your world is consumed by it. Even then, many people try and “wait it out” before going to see a dentist. Do not fall into this habit – even if the pain subsides, the cause of the pain could still remain.

Bleeding or swollen gums. Let’s address bleeding gums first: does any other part of your body bleed when you rub it or gently scratch it? No. Neither should your gums. If this is happening to your gums, you may have an issue with inflammation, which can lead to serious periodontal problems later. If your gums are swollen, you may be experiencing an even more advanced state of inflammation. See your dentist as soon as possible if this is happening to you. The good news for you is that we have a periodontist on staff to treat these types of issues specifically!

If you start noticing that hot, cold or sweet foods and drinks are causing you pain, call your dentist. Plaque build-up, cavities or problematic fillings can all cause sensitivity in your teeth, which need to be addressed by a professional!

Bad breath. Have you noticed that your friends keep a safe distance when they’re talking to you? You may want to stop by MFD for a quick check-up. You might have halitosis. Caused by a large variety of things, such as, but not limited to, diet, sinus infections or gum disease, halitosis can make your breath smell veryAlthough things like mouthwash may mask it temporarily, there is a larger problem that your dentist can help you solve.

Pregnancy or other medical conditions you’re being treated for (such as radiation, chemotherapy, hormone replacement, etc.). Many medical conditions, as well as pregnancies, can cause big changes in your hormone levels or in your body’s chemistry in general (especially with heavy doses of medication). For example, gingivitis is common during pregnancies and periodontal problems during pregnancy have been associated with lower birth weights. Avoid unplanned dental emergencies by coming into the dentist more frequently.

You should get in to see a dentist as soon as possible if any of these apply to you, but we must also highlight the fact that just because you’re not experiencing any problems, doesn’t mean you should skip your bi-annual visits. These signs you should see your dentist allows us to keep your mouth healthy and to establish a good baseline for your oral health.

Revolutionary Dental Treatment Offers Lasting Relief for Severe Tooth Sensitivity and Gum Problems

Cutting-edge approach brings hope to patients suffering from oral discomfort and gum disease

By Dr Alok Mehta, BDS,MDS

Illustration purpose only

In a groundbreaking development that could transform the lives of millions, a pioneering dental treatment is providing long-lasting relief for individuals battling severe tooth sensitivity and gum problems.  The breakthrough treatment was put to the test when Mrs. Zohra, an individual plagued by excruciating sensitivity in her lower front tooth, sought out my expertise. Despite trying countless temporary solutions, her sensitivity worsened over time, significantly impacting her daily activities. The situation took a toll on her quality of life, compounded by bleeding gums, loose and swollen gum tissue, and an unwelcome case of bad breath.

I performed a comprehensive examination and unearthed the root cause of Mrs. Zohra’s distress: mild to moderate periodontitis, a common gum disease that affects the support structures of teeth and oral tissues.

Embracing a strategic and multi-step approach

Embracing a strategic, multi-step approach, I devised a personalized treatment plan tailored to address each aspect of the problem. The first phase involved halting the progression of periodontitis. To achieve this, a cutting-edge flap surgery was performed, accompanied by deep cleaning procedures (known as scaling and root planning) at the site of concern, specifically the lower left first molar. In a remarkable feat, guided bone regeneration (bone grafting) was implemented to regenerate the lost bone, restoring stability to the affected area.

Once Mrs. Zohra’s oral health had stabilized and the gum disease was under control, I turned my attention to resolving the persistent sensitivity in her lower anterior region. A breakthrough soft tissue grafting technique was chosen, which effectively covered the defect and promoted healing. The patient’s body responded favorably to the graft, resulting in a substantial reduction in sensitivity issues and a renewed sense of comfort.

Following the successful procedure, I provided comprehensive post-operative care instructions, empowering Mrs. Zohra to maintain her improved oral health diligently. With her renewed confidence and freedom from dental restraints, she now enjoys a fulfilling life unencumbered by the discomfort that once plagued her.

This remarkable dental breakthrough not only offers hope to patients suffering from severe tooth sensitivity and gum problems but also showcases the potential for advanced treatments to revolutionize oral healthcare.

Dr Alok Mehta, BDS,MDS is working in Sharjah as an Implant Specialist.