Revolutionary Dental Treatment Offers Lasting Relief for Severe Tooth Sensitivity and Gum Problems

Cutting-edge approach brings hope to patients suffering from oral discomfort and gum disease

By Dr Alok Mehta, BDS,MDS

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In a groundbreaking development that could transform the lives of millions, a pioneering dental treatment is providing long-lasting relief for individuals battling severe tooth sensitivity and gum problems.  The breakthrough treatment was put to the test when Mrs. Zohra, an individual plagued by excruciating sensitivity in her lower front tooth, sought out my expertise. Despite trying countless temporary solutions, her sensitivity worsened over time, significantly impacting her daily activities. The situation took a toll on her quality of life, compounded by bleeding gums, loose and swollen gum tissue, and an unwelcome case of bad breath.

I performed a comprehensive examination and unearthed the root cause of Mrs. Zohra’s distress: mild to moderate periodontitis, a common gum disease that affects the support structures of teeth and oral tissues.

Embracing a strategic and multi-step approach

Embracing a strategic, multi-step approach, I devised a personalized treatment plan tailored to address each aspect of the problem. The first phase involved halting the progression of periodontitis. To achieve this, a cutting-edge flap surgery was performed, accompanied by deep cleaning procedures (known as scaling and root planning) at the site of concern, specifically the lower left first molar. In a remarkable feat, guided bone regeneration (bone grafting) was implemented to regenerate the lost bone, restoring stability to the affected area.

Once Mrs. Zohra’s oral health had stabilized and the gum disease was under control, I turned my attention to resolving the persistent sensitivity in her lower anterior region. A breakthrough soft tissue grafting technique was chosen, which effectively covered the defect and promoted healing. The patient’s body responded favorably to the graft, resulting in a substantial reduction in sensitivity issues and a renewed sense of comfort.

Following the successful procedure, I provided comprehensive post-operative care instructions, empowering Mrs. Zohra to maintain her improved oral health diligently. With her renewed confidence and freedom from dental restraints, she now enjoys a fulfilling life unencumbered by the discomfort that once plagued her.

This remarkable dental breakthrough not only offers hope to patients suffering from severe tooth sensitivity and gum problems but also showcases the potential for advanced treatments to revolutionize oral healthcare.

Dr Alok Mehta, BDS,MDS is working in Sharjah as an Implant Specialist.

Youthful Smile Restored: Mr. Osman’s Successful Dental Implant Journey

Photo for illustrative purpose only

By Dr. Alok Mehta, BDS,MDS

Mr. Osman, a young and ambitious individual, came to me with a broken upper front tooth resulting from trauma. Upon conducting a comprehensive history and examination, we discovered that the crown of his upper front incisor was fractured, while the root remained intact without any harm to the surrounding structures. Since the broken tooth was beyond repair, we considered replacing it with a prosthesis, specifically an artificial tooth.


After engaging in a thorough discussion, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of various options such as dentures, bridges, and implants, Mr. Osman expressed his desire for the most effective, long-lasting, and cost-efficient treatment. Consequently, I recommended implants as the optimal choice. Implants serve as independent structures, mimicking the functionality and appearance of natural teeth, without compromising the integrity of adjacent healthy teeth. They represent the most advanced and successful method for replacing single or multiple missing teeth. Multiple teeth replacements using implants can be either fixed or removable, providing excellent stability and a remarkably natural aesthetic, ultimately restoring confidence. Furthermore, implants prove to be economical in the long run, as they are not prone to cavities or requiring root canal treatments, requiring only regular cleaning.

Mr. Osman accepted my suggestion, and after careful planning and assessment, we promptly removed the remaining piece of the broken tooth and placed the implant on the same day, ensuring minimal discomfort for the patient. As a result, he left the clinic with a temporary tooth in place, leaving him smiling.

Following an appropriate healing period, we replaced the temporary tooth with a permanent one. I provided Mr. Osman with post-operative care instructions and guidelines for maintaining his implant. He expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the procedure, appreciating the restored appearance and functionality of his tooth.

(Dr. Alok Mehta, BDS,MDS,  is working in Sharjah)